Exponential Center

The Exponential Center is the first museum institution devoted to capturing the legacy and advancing the future of entrepreneurship and innovation in Silicon Valley and around the world. 

We collect and share the stories of founders and builders of the Digital Age. We explore the birth, growth, and impact of iconic companies. We examine how Silicon Valley and other ecosystems around the world can serve humanity to inform and inspire the next generation of changemakers.

One Word

Courage, Creativity, Bold, Be Humble, Grit, Kindness . . . These are just a few of the words of advice offered by Silicon Valley leaders to aspiring entrepreneurs. They are featured in the One Word educational initiative led by the Exponential Center. The multiformat project aims to inspire and motivate people to think about what it takes to start and build a company. One Word includes a CHM lobby exhibit, booklet, education workshops, and curriculum materials.

One Word

The One Word project is made possible by a generous grant from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation.

Venture Capital Initiative

The Exponential Center is leading an ambitious program to capture and share the stories of pioneering venture capitalists and their partnerships with disruptors and innovators that extend from idea to IPO and beyond. Through a variety of activities that capitalize on the Museum’s core strengths, the center will explore what the industry does, how it works, and what happens when venture capitalists and entrepreneurs join forces to create a company. 

Venture Capital Initiative

Resources and Discussion Guides

The Exponential Center offers educational experiences and unique curricula to serve a wide variety of college and adult audiences on topics such as innovation, entrepreneurship, and the Silicon Valley ecosystem model. Explore all of our Resources and Discussion Guides.

Exponential Center Highlights



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